Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

Nintendo has an online service called "Club Nintendo" that was created for long-term consumers in mind. The way that the service is designed is that those who register can earn points(fashioned as gold coins from the Super Mario series) for every Nintendo product they purchase(and register) that can be redeemed for either free Nintendo games or other Nintendo related merchandise unavailable otherwise. Those who are registered can also fill out surveys about the products they've registered as well that also earns them gold coins.
Club Nintendo's home page

Outside of this process, Nintendo frequently sends Club Nintendo members deals and sales via email that is apparently exclusive to these members.I myself being a member have received various sales promotions from Nintendo. Im also on the mailing list of both of Nintendo's major competitors Sony and Microsoft and I can definitely give Nintendo credit for being more friendly when it comes to sales promotion for "valued" customers than the others(Microsoft being THE WORST at this).

With that being said, Nintendo also keeps track of consumer's tastes in video games. Theres been many of times I've been suggested a video game due to me registering another game that's similar. It's kind of creepy in a way, but it's to be expected since Nintendo is keen on keeping it's customers in the loop. These suggestions often come with very detailed descriptions and I have on more than one occasion considered buying a game based on them. Overall, its pretty nice that Nintendo at least knows the games I would most likely be interested in instead of just throwing random games in my face. Im not a serious Nintendo gamer(I do most of my gaming on Sony's consoles) but I must admit that it feels more comfortable shopping with Nintendo than the others. Seems like Nintendo is paying more attention to my preferences and is ready to do business. I'm speaking from experience, so I know that there's many like-minded people out there that continue to shop with Nintendo because of this.

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